Plant-wide Performance Improvement

Plant-wide Performance Improvement

Lummus Digital provides a diverse range of solutions to monitor and improve plant-wide performance. It impacts the business value chain like demand forecasting and production planning; lab analytics; inventory optimization; pricing optimization; and more. These are enabled by advanced analytics, AI, and functional domain expertise.

Click and Explore our Innovative Solutions

Demand Forecasting & Production Planning

Solution Capability

Forecasts product demand based on market, customers, economies, and more. The solution optimizes the overall profit based on different metrics and each unit production, consumption, and inventories.

Value Proposition

iOps (Integrated Operations) - KPI Reporting

Solution Capability

Operations view of the performance of an overall facility. It is obtained by deriving and monitoring KPIs – operations, maintenance, utilization, HSE, inventory, and financials.

Value Proposition

Lab Analytics (LVA)

Solution Capability

Monitors the performance of Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) activities. The solution helps improve the operations of the laboratory ….from the efficiency of technicians and the quality of their work, to the management of instruments and samples.

Value Proposition

Inventory Optimization

Solution Capability

Drives efficiencies in the supply chain and recommends optimal spare stocking at a central warehouse and plant units. The goal: reduce holding costs while maintaining production levels

Value Proposition

Products Pricing Optimization

Solution Capability

To enable optimum and dynamic pricing of each product by considering commercial strategies, customers, competitors, and regulations.

Value Proposition

Procurement Spend Analytics

Solution Capability

Improves procurement performance; including procurement management and risk management.

Value Proposition


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