Our Solution Enabler - The AI Platform
enabled by tcg mcube

Scalable. Secure. Flexible

Our Solution Enabler

Today, the petrochemical industry is struggling to mine real-time, actionable insights from disparate data sources and unmanageable data lakes. The overflow of data is exponentially aggravated by the implementation of technologies like IoT.

Lummus Digital leverages advanced analytics and AI through a comprehensive, state-of-the-art analytics platform named ‘tcg mcube’. This cutting-edge platform is tailored for Data Engineering, Data Transformation, and Data Governance. With multiple implementations, tcg mcube is integral to the contemporary, data-driven cultures of organizations in the Oil and Gas sector.

tcg mcube Workflow

tcg mcube is the enterprise analytics platform of choice — scalable, secure, and flexible; integrated with AI/ML and high-performance data management. Intuitive and built for speed, tcg mcube enables companies to realize efficiencies and unlock growth.

Click & Explore tcg mcube

Data Lake

AI Factory

Data Lake
AI Factory

Lake House


Value Proposition

Data Science & AI/ML


Businesses are embracing Data Science every day to add value to every aspect of their operations. Right from analysing streaming data, transaction records, storing data and visualizing them for various purposes, at its core, Lummus Digital uses data science to extract meaning and insights from data and hence brings data science as “a combination of information technology, modelling, and business management”.

Machine learning, on the other hand, refers to a group of techniques used by data scientists that allow computers to learn from data. Lummus Digital uses a blend of curated, best-in-class supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement machine learning algorithms and creates a useful model or program by autonomously testing many solutions against the available data and finding the best fit for the problem.

At Lummus Digital, we use combination of Data Science and AI/Machine Learning in solving problems that are extremely labor intensive. This combination can inform decisions and make predictions about complex topics in an efficient and reliable way.

Value Proposition

Explore tcg mcube

Lake House


Value Proposition

Data Science & AI/ML


Businesses are embracing Data Science every day to add value to every aspect of their operations. Right from analysing streaming data, transaction records, storing data and visualizing them for various purposes, at its core, Lummus Digital uses data science to extract meaning and insights from data and hence brings data science as “a combination of information technology, modelling, and business management”.

Machine learning, on the other hand, refers to a group of techniques used by data scientists that allow computers to learn from data. Lummus Digital uses a blend of curated, best-in-class supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement machine learning algorithms and creates a useful model or program by autonomously testing many solutions against the available data and finding the best fit for the problem.

At Lummus Digital, we use combination of Data Science and AI/Machine Learning in solving problems that are extremely labor intensive. This combination can inform decisions and make predictions about complex topics in an efficient and reliable way.

Value Proposition


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